All Porta-Yards components are available to by separately to add to existing yards, use on their own or start to build a system from scratch.
Aluminium Sheep Hurdles
Made from top quality, New Zealand aluminium. Extruded for strength.
Available in lengths from 1.0m (3’) to 2.1m (7’)
1.0m high as standard
Hinged attachment to allow multiple panels to lie flat together while pinned
Compatible with other makes of aluminium yard
Sheeted top section to help blind stronger ewes, prevent jumping and protect dogs legs
Rounded edges allow for easy dragging
Fully Sheeted Aluminium Sheep Hurdles
Available in lengths from 1.0m (3’) to 2.4m (8’)
Ideal to create a dosing race
Rounded edges for easy dragging
Extruded main frame for strength
Swing Gate/Forcing Gate
Full alluminium construction
1.0m high
Available in 0.9m (3’) and 2.1m (7’) lengths
Hinged within frame for ease of use
Convenient ‘drop latch’ to secure
U-Bow/Race Stretcher
Full aluminium construction
0.9m wide for use with 1.0m high sheep hurdles
Used to create a stable dosing/handling race
Used to support panels when set up
Simple design - the L-Brace slides along the panel, hooking over the top and bottom edge
Install without unjoining panels or removing pins
For use with 1.0m high hurdles only
3 Way Joiners
Used to join 3 sheep hurdles together when creating additional drafting pens
Robust and compact
Creates a stable joint
Single Lane Race Kits
Fully aluminium race kits. Available in multiples of 2.4m (8’)
1.0m high
Easy to move and set up
Fully sheeted side panels
End swing gates
U-Bow where required
Double Lane Race Kits
Available in 4.8m (16’) and 7.2m (24’) lengths
Fully aluminium construction
Lightweight and easy to move
Fully sheeted side and central hurdles
End swing gates
W-Shaped Bow (stretcher) where required
End merge to single file with dividing swing gate